Help Wanted: Photo Choosers

If you have a minute to look at some nifty photos, pop on over and help Sunidesus pick 7 pics to send in to the America 24/7 Project. The first one alone is worth the click.

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3 Responses to Help Wanted: Photo Choosers

  1. Good Mornin’ America, How Are Ya?

    Go give Sunidesus a hand in picking out some photos to submit to America 24/7. It’ll only take a second, and it can be your good deed for the day. 🙂 Thanks to Solonor for pointing this out. :)…

  2. Sunidesus says:

    You just made my week! I was posting something on my main blog and noticed a bunch of extra comments and trackbacks (I don’t get those very often!) You just put the biggest smile on my face.

    Thank you!

    (and yes I get to submit seven, but any favorites type comments are more than welcome!)

  3. What a Sweetie!

    A Big THANK YOU!! to Solonor for linking my photo query, and for his lovely comments. You made my week…

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