It’s Dana here. It’s a Red Letter Friday! What does a Red Letter Friday mean, you ask…. well to be honest, I haven’t actually decided as such…. when I was a teenager, it meant that my best friend and I would big a letter and every time we wrote it, we’d have to use a red pen. However, that seems very annoying as an adult….
So, I think it just means I will try to visit sites with the word RED in them…. I feel a google search going on soon….. hey, you can have a Red Letter Friday too…. leave me a comment and let me know where I can find a good RED site.
– Dana
Well given your host I suppose someone should mention the Red Sox. I believe he enjoys Red Dwarf too.
Hmm, Sol likes red a lot. Maybe he’s a secret commie?
Oh yeah… let’s start a rumor that he is while he’s on vacation..
ahem – Red Grand AM! 😉
Possibly it