I didn’t come here to cause a kerfuffle…

Four minutes of awesome. I didn’t know zombies had such moves.

[ via bran via Kevin ]

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8 Responses to I didn’t come here to cause a kerfuffle…

  1. bran says:

    I’m considering adding “I’m just here to win the Super Broker Shuffle” as my signature on all forums and email.

  2. Ric The Schmuck says:


  3. Sassy says:


  4. Karan says:

    But….did they win super broker shuffle?

  5. Jules says:

    there are no words to express my, uh, um…yeah. No words.

  6. Ooshka says:

    kerfuflelufigus…yea thats it…um what?

  7. domino says:


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