I Feel Pretty…

In this family, it’s inevitable that something fun done once becomes a tradition. One year on Christmas Eve after church, we were all starving, because we’d skipped dinner. So, we stopped at the only thing open at 9pm on Christmas Eve–a convenience store. We then drove around town eating our classy (and nutritious) dinner of corn chips, Chex Mix, mini donuts and soda, looking at Christmas lights. Of course, that’s our Christmas Eve tradition now. (I thought the kids would cry when we thought about skipping it last year!)

So, since we had so much fun for Pepperkat’s birthday last year, the tradition continued tonight. There were slight differences in the movie (the R-rated Love Actually, rather than the PG-rated Harry Potter), dinner (Bennigans, instead of Steak and Shake) and the music (West Side Story, instead of Queen). But it was still goofy fun, winding up with chocolate fondue.

It’s amazing how “just turning 14” is so different from “just turning 13”. But there was one thing I could have guaranteed to have remained constant. And it did. They still licked the plates clean. Not a spot of chocolate left. I don’t think that will change even when she’s “just turning 30”. At least I hope not.

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3 Responses to I Feel Pretty…

  1. When we grow up….

    I hope our family is as cool as Solonor’s clan. Two great parents, two great kids….what more could you ask for? Every age has its…

  2. Raiding the local store for goodies and driving around town seems like an intersting idea, something that is more fun then just having a standard “dinner” at least.

  3. Pepperkat says:

    Yes, I would have cried. Don’t you DARE skip it this year!! MmMmm Chocolate…

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