I Owe A Lot To Iowa Pot

And they’re coming to take me away, ha-haa… to Gnomedex.

Got my reservations all made. Be there, or be somewhere else.

Gnomedex 3

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11 Responses to I Owe A Lot To Iowa Pot

  1. Oh, hmm… guess we need to do that. When do you fly in? Wanna try to put together something for Thursday night?

  2. robyn says:

    We wanna gooooooo! Just too much up in the air right now…

  3. Jason D- says:

    Oh hell yeah! Bring your dollar and get ready to holler! We’re going to the Lumberyard! Solonor in da hizzzzzzouse!

  4. Zuly says:

    I’m trying to think how I’d explain this to my friends who don’t know I blog. “Um, I’m going to Des Moines. Um, yes, by choice.”

  5. skits says:

    I’m so jealou–I mean, happy for you. *smiles brightly over gritted teeth*

  6. Dania says:

    Woohoo!..wait! i’m not excited you’re coming!

    Remember, keep the crack at home, i’m now clean 😉

  7. What the hell is wrong with you!? Oh, wait…

  8. Awwww…geek out! Le geek c’est chic…

    This is very subject to change because there are a lot of things going on in our lives right now that have no set timetable… But too many people are going to party in Iowa this summer, and since we are the king and queen of the XXXth birthday bash, …

  9. Linkfest

    Jake is in my living room. Google is sponsoring Gnomedex. The Tobyn team is joining us in July. New blog host is managing traffic admirably. Had a great meeting with Brian Livingston this evening – and a great dinner with Chris DiBona. Good ideas. Grea…

  10. courtney says:

    Man, I gotta get my butt in gear and make those reservations, and fast.

    I look forward to meeting all ya’lls. 🙂

  11. but oh, those summer niiiights

    Wow, anyone who’s anyone in the geek world is gonna be at Gnomedex in July. I need to make…

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