Idol Chatter

One thing that really ties me up in knots creatively is the thought that I’m naught more than an American Idol reject. (‘Tis true, ya know… even if I were freaking no-doubt awesome, there’s not much call for Johnny Cash or the Ramones on good ole AI… but I digress…)

I really feel for the AI contestants. It’s a Catch-22. In order to be good, you have to have the balls to get up there and know that you’re good. But if you’re that blinded by your own awesomeness, there’s a real chance that you suck and just don’t know it. And nobody’s gonna tell you until Simon does!

With that in mind, it was nice (and, yet, a little disconcerting) to have one of my daughter’s friends give me a high five and tell me, “You made my MP3 player, Mister N. You rock!”

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7 Responses to Idol Chatter

  1. Karan says:

    There’s a new caption for your randomizer…Sollie is kid approved!

  2. brandelion says:

    you do rock, Mister N.

    oh, AI. i can’t watch that show. it just pains me. (i feel for those people up there, yanno…)

  3. MJ says:

    You made my MP3 player many moons ago. I’m not sure what that means…

  4. Kevin says:

    Pah, all this snazzy mp3 talk. I put you on tape man!

  5. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Yeah, so when do we get Mr. N on vinyl?

  6. Scott says:

    I totally forgot to thank you for the CD, Solly — you’re a pointy-eared rock star! Good stuff!

  7. Mamacita says:

    That comment you put on my post was the funniest thing I’ve seen in. . . well, maybe forever. Thank you so much for that.

    Seriously. So, so funny. Holy scheiss.

    Hahahahaha. . . . .

    I kept giggling to myself all morning; the students probably thought I was drunk.

    Loved it. LOVED it. Thank you.

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