It’s all over INCLUDING the whining!

This is my last post on the 2004 election. Huzzah!

Despite some criticism from Republicans who swore there was no way they’d be happy if Kerry won, yet somehow think we’re supposed to just smile and say “good job, Mr. President, the country’s behind you all the way,” it felt good to let off a little steam. But it’s over now. It’s time to stop hurling feces and threatening to quit if we don’t get our way.

As Dave says:

The worst part of the likely Bush victory over Kerry is the combination of triumphalist high-fives and neener-neeners from winners, and head-exploding wails of despair and loathing from the losers.

To the winners: yes, you squeaked by. Be grateful, and be gracious. Consider how things felt when the exit polls were singing a different tune. You have the majority, but it’s not a huge one, and it can easily turn around in two years. Don’t alienate your support by arrogance. And don’t dismiss opposition to Bush’s policies as mere fringe ravings; 55MM votes say you’re wrong.

To the losers: try and be just a scosh gracious, too. Take a deep breath. Acknowledge that the majority (pretty clearly, this time, though it was still close) disagreed with you, and that you need to do a better job in selling your viewpoints next time around. Screaming that the 58MM or so folks who voted for Bush were idiots, dupes, or evil homophobic crypto-fascist theocratic thugs, is neither helpful nor likely to decrease their number. Threatening to move elsewhere is only going to earn you a ticket, with their gratitude.

I agree. It’s cathartic to let out all your disappointment and hurt. I don’t blame anyone for doing that, and I wouldn’t have if the shoe were on the other foot, either. At some point, however, it becomes counterproductive, and you become just a clanging cymbal or a banging gong. A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. You know… Canadian Republican.

Be proud of your vote. Work to right any injustices you see. Keep believing in America.

And it wouldn’t kill ya to smile (after the hangover wears off, naturally).

p.s. I love you, Canadians. Seriously.

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14 Responses to It’s all over INCLUDING the whining!

  1. Hondo says:

    Even a huge majority can turn around in 2 years. Just look at Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.

  2. Bea says:

    And Canadians (even the imported ones, like moi) love you, too 🙂

  3. Sunidesus says:

    Very well said Mr. Solonor!

  4. Karan says:

    Are you seriously saying that they’ll buy me a ticket? Where do I stand in line for that?

  5. Solonor says:

    I knew it would come to this. Voter apathy by the pith helmet crowd. Damn them all to hell!

  6. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Where do I stand in line for a pith helmet?

    And I’m already dangerously close to Canada, so that part isn’t even a consideration. I can be there in less than 2 hours. Close to one if the traffic flows right.

    And yes, your post was nicely stated, appropriate, and eloquent. Now then, get
    back to being snarky, you! America needs you.

  7. DebWire says:

    Advice For The Winners And Losers

    Personally, I think we all lost, but that’s this woman’s opinion. Here is a little advice for the winners and the losers of the election:

    The worst part of the likely Bush victory over Kerry is the combination of triumphalist high-fives and neener…

  8. jcwinnie says:

    Wait, slow down, please, I am trying to understand this. Do I need to be wearing a pith helmet to enter Canada? Or to leave Florida?


    Confused and near the Canadia border

  9. jcwinnie says:

    Wait, slow down, please, I am trying to understand this. Do I need to be wearing a pith helmet to enter Canada? Or to leave Florida?


    Confused and near the Canadian border

  10. Tracy says:

    I want a helmet too. I could say, “Pith off!” really loud to Bush supporters and then say, “Oh, I’m sorry…I was only removing my helmet.” Heh. God, I’m depressed.

  11. jcwinnie says:

    Moving above Montanna, soon, going to be a Movable Type tycoon.

  12. JPD says:

    Give me a break you simpering little bitches!

    Solonor wants us to chill and stop whining. The pacifism of the country is what brought this shit on to begin with. I’m going to piss, moan and do something until it’s over. What am I going to do? Hell…

  13. Escape from Enclave 14

    Speaking of ghetto scenes

  14. Escape from Enclave 14

    How soon before there is need for an Underground Railroad to smuggle liberals to Canada? Dave Pollard offers a refinement to an earlier mapping of election results by state. Pith helmets required beyond this point I vaguely remember from my…

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