I am nothing if not a slave to my readers. You say, “Jump!” I say, “Bite me!” (and jump off the nearest cliff). Thus, the following entry is made at the request of my good (if slightly insane) friend, Karan. She wonders what kind of ads might show up in an entry about lemon flavored toilet paper.
Now, please, don’t ask me why she wants lemon flavored toilet paper advertisements. I don’t know if it is some sort of culinary peculiarity of the area in which she resides (them Washingtonians are an odd bunch), or if she’s just been drinking (again). Suffice it to say that if she asks me to write a post about lemon flavored toilet paper, I will bend over backwards to write a post about lemon flavored toilet paper.
Because, apparently, I’m a mensch (whatever the hell that means).
Yahoo, drinks all around! Do you see what happened? No more bible school ads…now it’s Seattle’s singles and new year’s parties! How fickle that Google is…how cool to play ’em like a bunch of pre-teen girls wanting their first thongs! Hooray!
Thanks Lester…you’re the best!
Well, since all the ads on this entry I see are about blogging, where better to bring this up. You’re a finalist in the Biggest Blog Whore category of the Best of Blogs Awards 2004.
So I voted for you, hoping you’d want to win, just because it’s an award. I hope I was right.
I see London hotel ads. That’s awful, because London is my favorite foreign city of all that I’ve been to.
(Must not click, must not click.)
Mmmm, the refreshing taste of Pepsi Blue….
A mensch is actually a nice thing – it means a person who is – well – nice! And caring. A favorite term amongst bragging Jewish grandmothers.
Of course, Meshugeneh is a rather more appropriate description in your case 🙂
Hmmm I see an ad for “traction” software….what has that got to do with lemon flavored toiletpaper…. unless it gets wet and sticks to your foot…rather Leisure Suit Larryish, “What is that lemony smell?”
I see mobile cocktail bar! Mmmmm… mobile cocktails… I also see “spend New Year in London”, but I just did.
Buttaface Wear T-shirts! Awesome!
On my pal Solonors site, an ad derived from a Howard Stern bit. How freakin’ cool is that?
Re: Bungee Jumping Off a Cliff
Thus, the lemming reference, eh?
Wow, I just googled lemon flavored toilet paper (ya know, looking for a little something for the missus) and I ended up here! You’re officially the number one search return! Long time no see buddy!