Oh, it’s on.

The epic meeting that you have been waiting for is about to come to pass. As it is written:

Verily, I say unto you beware the end times. For ye know not when it shall happen…perhaps on some balmy Wednesday evening about half-six…but happen it shall.

And, yea, he shall come like an out-of-town guy on a business trip in the night. And the Great Spaghetti Monster and his minions (sauce, garlic bread, a little Caesar salad, beverage of your choice) shall be consumed.

And under the watchful eye of the Great Empress, an armored knight shall defend his castle against the invading horde, while the unimpressed imp taps her foot impatiently.

Two men enter. One man leave. (But only ‘cuz it’s his house, and I gotta go back to the hotel. *shakes fist*)

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9 Responses to Oh, it’s on.

  1. Sherri says:

    not fair! Everybody gets to meet Buzz but ME!

    I’m gonna pout. I really, really am.

  2. Buzz says:


    See you tomorrow, buddy. 🙂

  3. statia says:

    The two nemesises finally meet in person.

    mmmm pasketti….

  4. shelley ju says:

    Happy Birthday, Solly!! I hope you have a wonderful b-day and a fantabulous year! xoxo

  5. Ric the Schmuck says:

    I crap, I totally fergot birth-of-Solly day.

    Happy day, you! Have a Guinness on me.
    I’ll drink to you tonight, as well!

  6. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Allright, so re-read that post in another 2 1/2 hours….

    Sheesh, what a schmuck am I.


  7. nefarious says:

    Have fun. Smack him and then buy him a beer for me. 😉

  8. *** Dave says:

    Happy birthday! And … um … tag.

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