Oh what the hell… how about another 3 years!

Wow. Three years. Whodathunk?

It’s been such a long, strange trip, hasn’t it? Just consider the facts.* Back when this blog was born:

  • Price of Postage: $0.34
  • Price of Bread: $1.01
  • Price of Milk: $2.79
  • Price of Gas: $1.24
  • Super Bowl Winner: New England

Man, does that bring back memories. I remember all the kids were listening to Linkin Park and Avril Lavigne and Pink… the top TV shows were Friends, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Sex and the City… and how ’bout those Winter Olympics, huh?

I just don’t know where the time goes.

*from the nifty U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

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18 Responses to Oh what the hell… how about another 3 years!

  1. Chari says:

    And I had about 7.2% fewer gray hairs.

  2. geeky says:

    happy 3 years! maybe for your 4th blog anniversary, we can get a different superbowl winner.

  3. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Hey Geeky, cut that out, right now! 🙂

    Happy day, chum. This really has been a lot of fun. I look forward to it every day. (Which I suppose is sad, but that’s another story.)

  4. JustAGirl says:

    Don’t know what I would do without my Solonor fix! I miss you when you don’t post every day!!

  5. Scott says:

    My three years is next month… can’t believe it’s been that long.

  6. brandelion says:

    well, hey, happy blogaversary! 🙂

  7. deb says:

    Happy anniversary, Solonor 🙂

    Gas was really that cheap??? Oh how I remember saying that when it hit a dollar a gallon I was going to buy a bicycle. I’m so glad no one held me to it ;~)

  8. Busy Mom says:

    Happy Blogaversary!!

  9. zee says:

    Happy 3 years! That makes us all lucky.

  10. Lisa says:

    Happy ‘versary!

  11. Linkmeister says:

    Was there something which prompted you to start on the first of March, or was the date incidental?

    Happy blogiversary.

  12. Solonor says:

    It was 11pm on a Friday night, and I was bored.

  13. Sibeal says:

    Wow — this is one case where I’m actually older than you… my three-year was back in October.

    Those were the days…

  14. Karan says:

    Three years ago…I was younger then. Congrats Music Man!

  15. xade says:

    Nice stuff there mate, though you really are putting the rest of us to shame. I’ve been bloggin for what, a year know and you know how many CD’s I’ve released? None. How many outlandish projects? None. How many baseball leagues I’ve started? None.

    You do such great work. You keep writing, I’ll keep reading… or something like that.

  16. robyn says:

    Happy belated blogiversary! The web wouldn’t be the same without ya’!

  17. Menace says:

    Only 3 years? Happy belated Blogiversary!!!! I hadn’t seen a post in so long I thought you’d stopped. Sorry I’m late 🙂 It is VERY cool you’ve done this for so long. Thanks, Solonor!

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