When you have nothing to say… stretch it out so it sounds good.

The Management of Solonor’s Ink Well understand that some of its loyal patrons may be experiencing technical difficulties in reading the author’s most recent posts due, in large part, to their lack of translation from the author’s head to the medium by which you are most used to seeing them (i.e., splattered across the pages of this here weblog).

We would like to assure you that these posts are filled with biting, satirical humor and witty insights into the human condition.

Unfortunately, we’ve seen them.

Instead, let us invite you to return tomorrow for our Third Blogiversary and sample some fine examples of bloggery goodness. Every one of them has been hand-picked by our staff of blog pickers and only contain the finest juicy chunks of fresh Cornish Ram’s bladder, emptied, steamed, flavoured with sesame seeds, whipped into a fondue, and garnished with lark’s vomit… er, I mean biting, satirical humor and witty insights into the human condition.

And lark’s vomit.

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4 Responses to When you have nothing to say… stretch it out so it sounds good.

  1. Jenni says:

    Congrats on your blogiversary. I miss chatting wiht you via blog and hope all is okay.

  2. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Happy Blogiversary, Solly.

    Did I really just type “blogiversary?”

  3. Chari says:

    Happy Blogiversary! Looks like those of us who hit the big ‘3’ are re-posting oldies but goodies… it’s fun reading the ‘old’ stuff, though. Sometimes, I crack myself up. 😉

  4. *** Dave says:

    Happy Blogiversary!

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