Relax and Have Fun!

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all.

We just got a Thanksgiving card from my wondermous sister-in-law (yes, I said “Thanksgiving card”… we’re lucky to get out Christmas cards, and she’s sending fricking Thanksgiving cards!). The saying on the front was so perfect, I had to share it with those of you suffering holiday madness (not that I know of any).

Remember: STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS!

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10 Responses to Relax and Have Fun!

  1. kat says:

    I don’t send thanksgiving cards but my xmas cards went out yesterday. Yup, you are on my list. 😉 Have a wonderful holiday with the clan. *mwah*

  2. Jenni says:

    Have a Happy, safe Thanksgiving, all of you! Glad to have *met* you online, too. 🙂 (And no, no thanksgiving cards from this chick….WTF?! They ARE on my greeting card program, though!)

  3. Empress says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Les says:

    (Said in best Homer Simpson voice) Mmmmmm… stressed.

    Thanksgiving cards? Hell, I’ve not managed to keep a decent string of Christmas cards flowing over the years.

  5. suzie says:

    i’m thankful today for your well-wishes!!

    happy thanksgiving, to you, and your family. i hope you guys have a great one.

  6. Charlie says:

    Ah, but ‘pumpkin pie’ backwards is ‘eip nikpmup’.

    Which means… um, well, I’m not sure, really. ‘Stressed’ in Hawaiian? ‘Snow’ in Eskimo? (Hell, everything else in Eskimo seems to mean snow.) ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ in Swahili?

    Meh. Now I’m just hungry.

  7. Mopsie says:

    I bought Halloween cards this year. Forgot to send them. I bought Thanksgiving cards this year. And when I read your post I realized I forgot to send them too. I think I’ll just skip over Christmas cards entirely and work on my Valentine cards. Maybe I’ll have a shot at getting them mailed!

  8. batgrl says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    (Ok, I’m a bit late – but there’re still leftovers, right? Right?)

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