Sunday Sermon #1

Here’s a New Year’s Resolution that some of you will like and others will despise. Good thing it’s my blog not yours, eh?

I’m going to devote my Sunday post from now on to matters religious.

Margaret! Shut off the damned PC. That Solly Falwell feller’s a-comin’ on!

Really, I don’t mean to scare anyone off. I’m not in the conversion biz. I’m not so all-fired sure of my beliefs that I think I can always defend them in a rational debate or use them to bludgeon someone over the head with them. And while I wouldn’t say I’m strictly non-judgmental with people all the time, I ain’t about to start throwing stones in this glass house.

I just thought that perhaps I could do a “What did you learn in church today, Johnny?” post in order to clarify in my own mind what I thought I heard. If you get anything out of reading it too, then so be it.

Today’s lesson is thankfulness.

Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, and patience, forbearing one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. – Paul’s letter to the Colossians, Ch 3, Verses 12-15.

No matter how meager the blessings you might think you’ve been given lately, they are a bounty untold compared to the thousands of suffering Iranians this week. God doesn’t magically hand out blessings. We are the delivery mechanism. So, if you believe in God, you have no choice but to help. If you don’t, then I appeal to whatever spark is inside you that drives you to do good works.

Michele has a wonderful post on the loss of a piece human history at Bam. She includes several ways to help. I urge you to respond.

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2 Responses to Sunday Sermon #1

  1. michele says:

    The spark is called human kindess. Hopefully, we all have it, relgious or not.

  2. mike says:

    If that’s your first religious post, I’m going to love this.

    It’s compassion, and kindness that should be extolled. Most of the rest is just so much socio-political junk.

    It’s both appropriate and sad that we find our moral compasses during times of crisis.

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