Terrorist threats. Impending war. Soft economy. Racial disharmony. Political fighting. Lately, it seems that there’s not a lot of good to say about the good ol’ U.S.A.
In her blog, Michele responded to the recent spate of opinion pieces from around the globe that fall under the heading of “What is There to Like About America?”
So what is there to like about America? I mean, besides the freedoms we have that most of these opinion writers and letter-to-the-editor professionals fail to mention.
And then came the challenge:
Why don’t you help me out? What is so great about America, anyhow? What makes it such a wonderful place? What would you tell a foreigner about your home state? Pick a state, provide links. Leave it in the comments and I’ll add your contribution to the list as I go along. And then I’m going to send it to every single foreign newspaper that had some idiotic article detailing how little there is to like about America.
I’m sorry, but at first, I ignored this as just a throwaway post – something to give her vast throng of fans something to do while she thought of something else to amuse us with. Plus, I was afraid it would turn into an “America – Love It or Leave It” post. Blech. I love America from the tip of its little nose to the top of its little toes, but I can’t stand shouts of empty patriotism. I should have known better…
I watched as the comments came rolling in. They weren’t like that at all.
They came with humor.
They came with neat links.
They came with insight.
For those that left home, they came with longing.
They came with pride.
They came with love.
So many comments and links and posts and stuff came in that I offered to help Michele organize them into a semi-coherent form. Thus, this new blog. One post per state with comments open for you to add more info. I’ve moved all the original comments as of this writing into the blog post for the state mentioned.
I tried to fill in the gaps for those poor states that didn’t get any lovin’, but I know that there has to be other readers out there that could tell us more heartfelt stuff about their homes.
So, here it is for you. Keep it coming. Tell us more about your favorite state. You don’t have to make it pretty. It hardly even has to make sense! Like this country, just put some heart into it and everything will be all right.
My Fellow Americans
Solonor has outdone himself this time: He took Michelle’s What’s Not to Like About America and has turned into an
Wonderful! I totally teared up when I started reading some of the comments. (and I totally promise to contribute tonight when I get back.) 😀
What I Like About America
So Michele started a little discussion about What’s to Like About America. And Solonor compiled all the answers and created a nifty blogwhere you can read the answers and contribute your own responses about what you like about the 50 states. So you sho…
How cool! What a great opportunity. I posted about how great Oregon is. 🙂 I also linked you on my main page.
What’s not to like?
Michele started a post titled “What’s not to like?” in response to all of the “What is there to
Why do YOU love America?
Alright already, I know I’ve posted a ton today. But I should have posted this earlier, had I thought about
“A skiddleebebop, we rock, scooby doo, and guess what, America, we love you…”
In response to Michele’s question, “What’s Not to Like About America”, Solonor culled the answers given and created a blog
The Red, White and Blue
We love you! :heart: And here is why we do. Solonor took an idea from Michelle and made a rather
A shout out to Solonor
Solonor may not realize it, but his “What’s Not To Like?” sub-blog is clocking in on the Popdex Top 100