
My son earned some serious brownie points (aka, “blackmail opportunities”) with his sister when he grabbed a spot in the line outside Wal-Mart and held it for her to get a Wii. He and a friend sat there for 8 hours until she joined them after she got out of work. After another 3 or 4 hours, they got the silly thing.

I was a little wary of the whole “wave the controller in the air to play tennis” thing, but holy crap is it fun! I’m glad my kids are old enough to buy their own expensive toys that I can play with.

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3 Responses to Wiiiiiiiiiiiii!

  1. geeky says:

    haha i think that’s my dad’s favorite part about having kids too. except he gets jealous when my toys are better than his 🙂

  2. Ric The Schmuck says:

    My wife got many a dirty look when she strolled into the Toys R Us on Sunday at about 12 noon, went to the desk, picked up her Wheeeeeeeee, (since we managed to get one of the reserves the week before!) paid and walked out.


    Talk about going “weeeeeeeee” all the way home.

  3. Karan says:

    The whole full body involvement thing with the Wii reminds of watching little kids play video games before the get that fine motor thing down. Do you remember your kids waving the controller everywhere as the moved the bitty controller?

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