Life, the Universe and Everything is right! This weekend, and especially yesterday, was so full of crap (not unlike this author) that I didn’t have time to do an update.
To start with, let me fill you in on the continuing story of Rasreth Studios. Apparently, the Fostex machine that I bought Saturday was meant to be broken and the last one in stock. Because when I took it back yesterday afternoon, they had a used Boss BR-864 sitting there for the same price as the Fostex!
“Hey! That wasn’t there, yesterday,” I said.
“Nope,” the friendly sales clerk said. “Some kid bought it and turned right around and returned it. It’s basically brand new. He came in right after you left.”
Holy hell, this thing is twice the machine for the same fricking price! Me be happy music monkey.
AND Pepperkat got the letter she’s been dying to receive. She got accepted and will be going to the same technology magnet high school as her brother! Yay!
His reaction: “Cool. That gives me a reason to raise my GPA, so I don’t get sent back to regular high school.” (I still can’t picture an older brother wanting his kid sister to go to the same school. They’re plotting something, I just know it.)
On top of that, we went and saw Big Fish. Yes, it was kinda syrupy in places, but there’s nothing wrong with having your eyes go misty every once in awhile. Keeps the tear ducts ready for action in case your foot gets stepped on by an elephant or something. It was a very good film. (“NINE thumbs up?! What the hell is that?!”)
And I still had time to play a couple of rounds of MOHAA with the geek patrol and finish up the final round SGCBL free agent bidding.
Das Leben ist gut.
See, everything happens for a reason. Now why is it we’re always the last to know?
Now I’m anxious to hear the results! Fire that puppy up, and practice on some old stuff that ya used to do, back when you were a rock star….
Yay Pepperkat!
Yay for Peppperkat! That is awesome. 🙂 And yeah, I wanna hear some stuff man.