Is it morning? Ugh.
Woke up around 2am with a guitar across my chest and notebook paper strewn all over the bed. I passed on the family viewing of Cool Hand Luke to try and finish a song. From what I can tell, I didn’t make it. I’ll know more when I’ve had a couple cups of coffee and uncrumple some of the paper.
We had a typical summer weekend (for us). Laid around watching cooking shows all Saturday morning (well, I laid around…V worked on my HP costume). Saturday night, we went out for more bbq, then decided to go for a drive. We went in search of a Dairy Queen. We drove for almost 3 hours and didn’t find one, but I haven’t laughed so hard in months. If you ever want to see our crew in action, ask to go on a drive with us. (I’m not even going to try to relate specifics, because it would make no sense.)
That’s about it. Nothing uber spectacular. I am going to come up with a list of phrases that cause Pavlovian reactions in our family, though. (You know, like whenever someone says, “That’s a good idea,” you shout “Of course it’s a good idea!” quoting God from Holy Grail.) I think that everyone of you geeks has them (probably some of the same ones). It will be good to write them down, though. Just for the hell of it.
Yes, I need coffee…
And DON’T call me SHIRLEY!
The nearest Dairy Queen I can think of to you would be where 436 and 441 meet, right in Apopka. The only other one I know about local is in Mt. Dora, tucked away, but *I* know where it is.
Which brings about a random thought. What’s wrong with the bloggers in this area that we avoid meeting with each other ever ever? Or should I not ask? Maybe just no one tells me?
That’s part of the “would make no sense.” We know where the Apopka DQ is. We had supper just up the street from it. But we were full, so we decided to drive around a while and headed up Mt. Dora way to see if we could find the one there. We missed it, and instead of turning around after a half hour or so, we just kept on driving all around Robin Hood’s barn. (Does anyone else use that phrase? My mother taught it to me. But you have to say it “baaaahn”.)
Do you have a family motto? Ours is, “while you’re up…!”
“The white zone is for….”
“I’m getting better. You’re not fooling anyone, you know.”
“Woke up around 2am with a guitar across my chest and notebook paper strewn all over the bed. I passed on the family viewing of Cool Hand Luke to try and finish a song. From what I can tell, I didn’t make it. I’ll know more when I’ve had a couple cups of coffee and uncrumple some of the paper.”
Do you recognize that? It’s the beginning of a song.