This is where I get all rich and famous, right?

It’s finally here! The sales link is live, and the new web site is live. I’m so excited that I can hardly contain myself!

One could (if one wished) visit CD Baby – LESTER NORTON: Like Sailors Do and order oneself a copy of this fine music album. Better still, one could listen to 2 minute previews of all the songs AND write an album review (they edit/approve reviews, so not all of them will get posted).

One could also visit the new site, lovingly constructed by brandelion at WWW.LESTERNORTON.COM and read song descriptions, lyrics or a bio and peruse photographic evidence of my existence. There’s even a plethora of link images, so one could spread the word on one’s own site (thank you very much, btw).

Now, if I can only get the limo driver to stop talking on his cell phone for a minute, I have to get to the doctor to have my ego checked. It’s feeling a bit puffy and bloated.

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15 Responses to This is where I get all rich and famous, right?

  1. GeekMan says:


    I’m gonna order me a copy or three!

  2. zee says:

    Whoa! Check you out!

  3. Karan says:

    Hey Lester….you are in some sort of jinxy loop…here’s what I got when I went to CDBaby…

    CD Baby database rebooting.

    Please try back in a few minutes.

    Sorry for the trouble.

    CD Baby

  4. jr says:

    OMG You broke CD Baby. Must have overloaded their order entry system….

  5. Solonor says:

    Ahahahaha! Beware the power of the bloggers, CD Baby!!

  6. jadedju says:

    Gorgeous new site, and the music rocks. As soon as CD Baby will let me, I’m puttin’ in my order. Watch out world. Solly is about to take OVER.

  7. xade says:

    I’m still amused that by enjoying Solly, it would assume that:

    OTHER CDs you will love
    Die Kapitalist Pig

    Solly! What have you been singing about?

  8. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Absolutley freakin’ awesome!!!

    I do chuckle about Die Kapitalist Pig, though… You’d think they would have chosen Torpid Liver.

  9. geeky says:

    congrats! the new site is faaaahbulous (not surprised, that bran is so talented). and i finally got around to checking out your music. turns out you’re quite talented too!

    just remember, i read your blog before you were famous!

  10. Karan says:

    I placed my order. Do they come with your autograph or a gold ticket or a free day pass to water world?

  11. shelley says:



  12. Somewhat says:

    WOO! And YAY! Going to order right now. 😀

  13. Somewhat says:

    PS I think I just bought the last copy CDBaby have.

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