Ladies and gentlemen, we have the Internet!
Excuse me a moment. I need to be alone with my PC.
[Grooving to: Crying, Waiting, Hoping by The Beatles]
Ladies and gentlemen, we have the Internet!
Excuse me a moment. I need to be alone with my PC.
Welcome back! 🙂 You were greatly missed.
Yay for you! HOORAY for us!
WOOO! We missed you! 😀
All right, now back to work – finish the Gnomedex stories! 😀
Stats! I want stats!
Not to mention league files…
Yay! It’s about time. And don’t grab too much pr0n, okay?
Forget everything except the SGCBL!
Finish up those playoffs!
Get the leagues files online!
Bout time. So what did the “PC Specialist” explain as to the error of your ways?
Wooohooo! Welcome back to the world of the connected. 🙂
It was a bad modem. Which they should have replaced LAST Saturday… *sigh*
Were you gone? 🙂
Now see, it’s just like you left it, no malicious, vicious, terrorist takeovers or anything…
Welcome back!
How did you live without the ‘net and without your fans?
I just sat and stared at the computer screen for the first couple of days before I remembered you could still do stuff with it when it wasn’t hooked to the ‘net. Doh!
Yay!! I missed you!!
loverly, loverly. sing a song, you’re the piano man.
Woot!!! Welcome back!!
“I just sat and stared at the computer screen for the first couple of days before I remembered you could still do stuff with it when it wasn’t hooked to the ‘net.”
You can? Really? You’re kidding, right?
I went to bed at 8 a couple of times…I used my computer for nothing but a stereo.