
Ladies and gentlemen, we have the Internet!

Excuse me a moment. I need to be alone with my PC.

[Grooving to: Crying, Waiting, Hoping by The Beatles]
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21 Responses to Waaaaaahoooooo!

  1. Lisa-grrl says:

    Welcome back! 🙂 You were greatly missed.

  2. GeekMan says:

    Yay for you! HOORAY for us!

  3. robyn says:


  4. Melissa says:

    WOOO! We missed you! 😀

  5. Gretchen says:

    All right, now back to work – finish the Gnomedex stories! 😀

  6. Scott says:

    Stats! I want stats!

    Not to mention league files…

  7. Annessa says:

    Yay! It’s about time. And don’t grab too much pr0n, okay?

  8. Sgt Grump says:

    Forget everything except the SGCBL!
    Finish up those playoffs!
    Get the leagues files online!

  9. jr says:

    Bout time. So what did the “PC Specialist” explain as to the error of your ways?

  10. Hey Lisa says:

    Wooohooo! Welcome back to the world of the connected. 🙂

  11. Solonor says:

    It was a bad modem. Which they should have replaced LAST Saturday… *sigh*

  12. Ric The Schmuck says:

    Were you gone? 🙂
    Now see, it’s just like you left it, no malicious, vicious, terrorist takeovers or anything…
    Welcome back!

  13. Linkmeister says:

    How did you live without the ‘net and without your fans?

  14. Solonor says:

    I just sat and stared at the computer screen for the first couple of days before I remembered you could still do stuff with it when it wasn’t hooked to the ‘net. Doh!

  15. kat says:

    Yay!! I missed you!!

  16. brandelion says:

    loverly, loverly. sing a song, you’re the piano man.

  17. Sunidesus says:

    Woot!!! Welcome back!!

  18. SgtGrump says:

    “I just sat and stared at the computer screen for the first couple of days before I remembered you could still do stuff with it when it wasn’t hooked to the ‘net.”

    You can? Really? You’re kidding, right?

  19. Pepperkat says:

    I went to bed at 8 a couple of times…I used my computer for nothing but a stereo.

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